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Limiting number of days to sync

QMM 8.13 using legacy agents

Just a quick question. My customer only wants to bring over 30 days of email and 90 days of calendar items, so that's how I have the agents configured.

My question is around the Stats portal. Will it still display 100% sync'd for calendar and mail with those settings, or will it be a smaller percentage? 

  • It will be a different percentage. Below is how the agents gather and report data to be displayed for the portal.

    "QMM agents enumerate all folders under Top of Information Store and read PR_CONTENT_COUNTMAPI property on each of them.  The resultant sum of all the counters will be reported by Statistics Portal for the mail items, excluding the counter for the Calendar folder which is reported separately on the Statistics page for the corresponding Calendar synchronization collection.  This may not correspond to the information displayed by Microsoft Exchange Administrative tools such as ESM or EMC - please see the detailed explanation below."

    "Small discrepancy is possible due to some corrupted messages and attachments being skipped during mail and calendar item migration."
  • Ok I knew about the mail and calendar counts not matching, but just make sure I'm understanding let me set an exmaple:
    Say I have a mailbox with a total of 1000 mail items, normally I would be migrating the entire mailbox so when the sync is complete the status would show 100% at some point and that was my indication that it's ready to be switched.
    Now if I take that same mailbox with 1000 mail items, and tell the MSA to only bring over the last 30 days of mail, which could be say 500 items, then the status would show 50% and not 100%?
    If that's true, then am I left with no real way to know when the 30 days of email is complete syncing?
  • The only real way is to check the logs and follow the .PRV trail. Once the MSA processes the mail according to the filter it will start to delete the created .PST files. Once this happens the MSA has gone through and packaged everything to be sent to the MTA. From there it's making sure all the .PRV files are being processed.