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Purge unused Backup Selection sets

We've been using NetVault for over 14 years and now have over 200 unused Backup Selection sets (due to server churn).  I would like to delete them via the command line.  I can get easily get a listing of Backup Selection sets that are in usenvjoblist.exe -delimiter "|" > output.txt ).  I'd like to compare this to a list of all Backup Selection sets.  I could then delete the differences with nvsetdelete.exe.

How do I list all Backup Selection sets?

  • What version of NetVault are you running currently?
    In NV 10.x and up, you can select multiple 'Backup Selection Sets' from the "Manage Sets" window and CTRL+click them to highlight the ones you want to remove and then select Delete.
    As long as these sets are not part of any Scheduled job, you should be able to delete them that way.

    nvjoblist should however show all jobs, but it may not show everything you need to assess if that job can be deleted. The age of the job, or job ID sometimes can help to determine that, but you can also look at the "Manage Job Definitions" in NetVault 10.x and up and see the "next run time" which is a good indicator of of jobs that are not in use, and then you can selectively delete those, then follow it up with their corresponding selection sets.
  • I'm running NV 11.3. Your answer works for my system, and is probably the safest path.
    That said...
    I was able to get a list of all "Backup Selection" sets, but it's not an easy road.

    Click on "Create Backup Job"

    Right-click anywhere in the web page and select "Save Page As"

    ...choose "Web Page, complete" for the format. the saved file with a text editor. You'll see all of the "Backup Selection" sets, buried in the hypertext. Two or three kludges later, you could have a plain text list of all "Backup Selection" sets.