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Trying to install a cert for the Rapid Recovery Agent

Has anyone had any success installing a certificate for the Rapid Recovery Agent?  When I put in the thumbprint and restart the recovery service, it replaces the thumbprint I entered.  I was following kb 117531.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!

  • Still waiting for my lab to come up (it may take a day or two as it was physically moved and there is a lot to do to have it running again). As soon as it available, I will try replacing the cert -- and will document every step so, if it works, we will have a reference document. Please let me know what agent version are you using. As I stated before, I have done this for AppAssure 5.4.3 agents only.
  • Still waiting for my lab to come up (it may take a day or two as it was physically moved and there is a lot to do to have it running again). As soon as it available, I will try replacing the cert -- and will document every step so, if it works, we will have a reference document. Please let me know what agent version are you using. As I stated before, I have done this for AppAssure 5.4.3 agents only.
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