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The mailbox database is temporarily unavailable., The process failed to get the correct properties

Hello all-

I'm in the process of getting my initial calendar sync job built out.

I'm seeing this error a lot:

The mailbox database is temporarily unavailable., The process failed to get the correct properties

I am successfully seeing calendar data and I am eventually seeing users in my collections go into "In sync" for their status.

Before I get the remaining 14K calendars in collections, i need to know if this is something I need to worry about? The rest of the error message is below:

2019-03-25 18:50:56.0847 PxF20 TxC A113 C- M- Trace Waiting free thread.
2019-03-25 18:50:56.1003 PxF20 Tx19 A113 C104 M686 Trace GetSourceSessionCreator
2019-03-25 18:50:56.1003 PxF20 Tx19 A113 C104 M686 Trace LdapHelper::FindOne. LDAP query: searchBase - 'GC://mshmc.local', filter - '(&(objectClass=person)(legacyExchangeDN=/o=First Organization/ou=Exchange Administrative Group \28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT\29/cn=Recipients/cn=hharvey))', username - 'mshmc\sys_quest'.
2019-03-25 18:50:56.1159 PxF20 Tx3F A113 C104 M684 Warning TRG(Ews) Calendar The mailbox database is temporarily unavailable., The process failed to get the correct properties.
2019-03-25 18:50:56.1159 PxF20 Tx3F A113 C104 M684 Trace TRG(Ews) SyncContent end
2019-03-25 18:50:56.1159 PxF20 Tx3F A113 C104 M684 Trace TRG(Ews) StartSync end
2019-03-25 18:50:56.1316 PxF20 Tx3F A113 C104 M684 Info Switched = False, source guid: '78e60eab-2c05-4c63-b1e9-49350e1462d8' target guid: 'e6f24cdc-e5d0-4fc8-907d-5748a9161f82'
2019-03-25 18:50:56.1316 PxF20 Tx3F A113 C104 M684 Error Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ServiceResponseException: The mailbox database is temporarily unavailable., The process failed to get the correct properties.
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ServiceResponse.InternalThrowIfNecessary()
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.MultiResponseServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService.InternalBindToFolders(IEnumerable`1 folderIds, PropertySet propertySet, ServiceErrorHandling errorHandling)
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService.BindToFolder(FolderId folderId, PropertySet propertySet)
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService.BindToFolder[TFolder](FolderId folderId, PropertySet propertySet)
at MigrationManager.Exchange.MigrationConnectors.Ews.ProductionExchangeService.FolderBind(WellKnownFolderName name, PropertySet propertySet)
at MigrationManager.Exchange.MigrationConnectors.Ews.EwsSyncConnector.QueryWellKnownFolderId(WellKnownFolder folderName)
at MigrationManager.Exchange.MigrationConnectors.Ews.EwsSyncConnector.GetFolderIdDirect(WellKnownFolder folderName)
at MigrationManager.Exchange.MigrationConnectors.GenericSyncConnector.GetWellKnownFoldersIdsInternal(IEnumerable`1 folders)
at MigrationManager.Exchange.MigrationConnectors.GenericSyncConnector.FillWellKnownFoldersCache(IEnumerable`1 folders)
at MigrationManager.Exchange.MigrationConnectors.GenericSyncConnector.GetWellKnownFoldersIds(WellKnownFolder[] folders)
at MigrationManager.Exchange.MigrationConnectors.GenericSyncConnector.IsCalendarFolder(String folderId)
at MigrationManager.Exchange.MigrationConnectors.GenericSyncConnector.SyncFolderContent(String folderId, String folderName, SyncDirection syncDirection)
at MigrationManager.Exchange.MigrationConnectors.GenericSyncConnector.<>c__DisplayClass190_0.<SyncContent>b__0(String id, String name)
at MigrationManager.Exchange.MigrationConnectors.Ews.EwsSyncConnector.EnumerateFolders(String folderId, IncludeFolderItself folderItself, Action`2 action)
at MigrationManager.Exchange.MigrationConnectors.GenericSyncConnector.EnumerateFolders(IncludeFolderItself includeRoot, Action`2 action)
at MigrationManager.Exchange.MigrationConnectors.GenericSyncConnector.SyncContent(SyncDirection syncDirection)
at MigrationManager.Exchange.MigrationConnectors.GenericSyncConnector.StartSyncInternal(SyncDirection syncDirection)
at MigrationManager.Exchange.MigrationConnectors.GenericSyncConnector.StartSync(SyncDirection syncType)
at MigrationManager.Exchange.Agent.Jobs.DisPlusO365JobBase.<>c__DisplayClass89_0.<DoSync>b__0()
at MigrationManagerForExchange.General.DotNet.ResultHandler.Execute(Action act, Action onSuccess, Action`1 onFailure, Boolean bSuppressException)
at MigrationManager.Exchange.Agent.Jobs.DisPlusO365JobBase.DoSync(IMailboxSyncConnectorInternal sourceConnector, IMailboxSyncConnectorInternal targetConnector, String mailboxLedn, IAgentProperties cfg)
at MigrationManager.Exchange.Agent.Jobs.DisBaseJob.PerformSync()
at MigrationManager.Exchange.Agent.Jobs.DisPlusO365JobBase.RunJob()
2019-03-25 18:50:56.1472 PxF20 Tx3F A113 C104 M684 Trace Saving mailbox stage. Mailbox ID: 684, collection ID: 104, new mailbox stage: Failed, expected mailbox stage: InProgress, from ThreadHelper:ThreadStart->ExecutionContext:Run->ExecutionContext:Run->ExecutionContext:RunInternal->ThreadHelper:ThreadStart_Context->QThreadManager:RunTask->QWorkTask:Run->DisPlusO365JobBase:RunJob->DisBaseJob:RunJobHandleException->StageToggle:set_MailboxStage->StageToggle:Save->SqlMailBoxStageStorage:Save
2019-03-25 18:50:56.1472 PxF20 Tx1B A113 C104 M689 Info LdapHelper.domain: GC at '' is ready, will use it.
2019-03-25 18:50:56.1472 PxF20 Tx1B A113 C104 M689 Trace LdapHelper::FindOne. LDAP query: searchBase - 'GC://', filter - '(legacyExchangeDN=/o=PSHEALTH/ou=Exchange Administrative Group \28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT\29/cn=Recipients/cn=lkumer)', username - 'PSHEALTH\svc_trg_ex'.
2019-03-25 18:50:56.1472 PxF20 Tx3F A113 C- M- Trace Removed Task from dictionary - a6feb599-f772-4575-96b2-590325ccbe3a
2019-03-25 18:50:56.1472 PxF20 Tx3F A113 C- M- Trace Mailbox job finished: ItemId = '684', JobState = 'Running'. Updating mailbox status to 'InProgress'...
2019-03-25 18:50:56.1472 PxF20 Tx3F A113 C- M- Trace Execute SQL: SET_MAILBOX_STATUS_AND_ACTION_TYPE @COLLECTION_ID = 104, @MAILBOX_ID = 684, @STATUS = 1, @ACTION_TYPE = 0
2019-03-25 18:50:56.1941 PxF20 Tx3F A113 C- M- Trace Task finished - a6feb599-f772-4575-96b2-590325ccbe3a

As always, thanks in advance for any assistance.



  • Is everything OK with the Exchange server itself - it's not running out of hard drive space or anything?

    Have you looked at its Exchange Event Log?

  • Hi John- My target server for the stubs has over 450GB so I'm good there. I've asked the customer to give me more CPU cores on my Agent Hosts. They gave me additional resources on 2 of the 6 Agent Host systems and things seemed to improve. The Cal Sync agents eventually get things in sync - just generates a lot of those errors. Exchange Event Logs kick up a lot of MSExchange Front End HTTP Proxy, Event ID 1003 errors. We are using physical hardware for our target Exchange. CPU is running high. 

  • I was thinking the problem was with the source Exchange server because as you know, they are sometimes a bit rickety.