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Will invites be resent if mailboxes are remigrated?


if during a remigrate of a Mailbox Meetings get recreated in Exchange, will invites for those Meetings be resent from Exchange/Outlook?



  • Hello Christian,

    Thank you for posting in the Migrator for Notes to Exchange (MNE) forum. In my testing no, a meeting that is re-migrated does not generate new invites in Exchange/Outlook. 

    Are you perhaps asking this in regards to the new "RemigrateMode=2" paramter in MNE that will re-migrate objects whose timestamps have changed in the source?

    Typically, it is the action of changing the meeting in the source, such as changing the subject or date/time, that is going to cause invites to be resent.

    Does that answer your question?

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions or need any additional clarification. 

    Trevor Taegder
    Senior Technical Support Engineer

    Quest | Support