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Intermitten Failure

I have a 2012 RDS server we are trying to backup.  Everyone once in a while it fails to perform the backup.  It will give an error like this..

The next time the machine tries to backup will be successful.  Unfortunately, this error is driving the tech support guys in house nuts, they don't like errors.

Any thoughts on how to resolve this?

The transfer of the backup of '(Volume Labeled 'System Reserved'); C:\; E:\' on 'gs-app3' failed

Agent is offline

Replay.Core.Contracts.Agents.AgentIsOfflineException: Agent is offline ---> WCFClientBase.ClientServerErrorException: Call to service method https://gs-app3:8006/apprecovery/api/agent/metadata/summaryMetadata PUT failed: Failed to call Create File on disk '\\.\PhysicalDrive45' - The system cannot find the file specified ---> Replay.Common.Contracts.Win32Api.Win32ApiFailedException: Failed to call Create File on disk '\\.\PhysicalDrive45' - The system cannot find the file specified
   at Replay.Common.Implementation.Win32Api.Win32.ThrowLastError(String message, Object[] args)
   at Replay.Common.Implementation.Win32Api.Win32.GetDiskAttributes(String diskName)
   at Replay.Common.Implementation.Storage.DiskInfoBase.get_IsReadOnly()
   at Replay.Common.Implementation.Metadata.CommonMetadataService.GetDiskInformation(ICommonSummaryMetadata metaData, IStorageMetadata storageMetadata)
   at Replay.Common.Implementation.Metadata.CommonMetadataService.GetCommonSummaryMetadata(ICommonSummaryMetadata metadata, Boolean includeNonSnapableVolumes)
   at Replay.Agent.Implementation.Metadata.AgentMetadataService.GetCurrentSummary(MetadataCredentials metadataCredentials)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Replay.Common.Implementation.Utilities.SingletonTask`1.Execute(Func`1 function, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Replay.Core.Implementation.Agents.AgentClient.GetCurrentSummaryMetadata(MetadataCredentials metadataCredentials, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Replay.Core.Implementation.Agents.AgentsMetadataHelper.GetAgentSummaryMetadataInternalClient(AgentDescriptor agentDescriptor, IAgentClient agentClient, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Replay.Core.Implementation.Agents.AgentsMetadataHelper.GetSummaryMetadata(AgentDescriptor agentDescriptor, IAgentClient agentClient, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Replay.Core.Implementation.Agents.ProtectedAgent.<>c__DisplayClass40_0.<GetSummaryMetadata>b__0()
   at Replay.Core.Implementation.Agents.ProtectedAgent.AgentClientSend[TResult](Func`1 func)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Replay.Core.Implementation.Agents.ProtectedAgent.AgentClientSend[TResult](Func`1 func)
   at Replay.Core.Implementation.Agents.ProtectedAgent.GetSummaryMetadata(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Replay.Core.Implementation.Transfer.Validation.Implementation.ProtectedAgentTransferValidator.Validate()
   at Replay.Core.Contracts.Validation.ValidatorBase.AggregateValidator.Validate()
   at Replay.Core.Implementation.Transfer.Queuing.Implementation.TransferQueueService.StartTransfer(TransferQueueEntry entry)

About this event: The transfer of a new recovery point from the protected machine has failed

  • One odd thing is the "\\.\PhysicalDrive45&#39" this just does not look right

    If you look at the drives it tries to backup (C:\ E:\ and &#39) I would guess there is some odd storage device (&#39) that is causing the issue

    VSS is trying to snap the device &#39 and this is failing.

  • That device is a RDP users virtual disk. 

  • That's the issue. You should not have a user profile disk selected for backup. Remove that disk from the backup configuration and then you shouldn't ever have that failure. The user profile virtual disks are stored on C or E right? If so, you're backing up that data when you backup the actual local disks. There is no need (and RR doesn't support) backing up a mounted virtual disk within Windows. So I'll bet what is happening is when that user is logged in and that user profile disk is mounted it fails the backup. When that user is not connected and that disk is dismounted the job runs properly and doesn't fail because the disk is missing and you probably get an alert about one disk being missing, but it's not a hard failure. Just a guess, but it seems like the most logical explanation.

  • That's the issue. You should not have a user profile disk selected for backup. Remove that disk from the backup configuration and then you shouldn't ever have that failure. The user profile virtual disks are stored on C or E right? If so, you're backing up that data when you backup the actual local disks. There is no need (and RR doesn't support) backing up a mounted virtual disk within Windows. So I'll bet what is happening is when that user is logged in and that user profile disk is mounted it fails the backup. When that user is not connected and that disk is dismounted the job runs properly and doesn't fail because the disk is missing and you probably get an alert about one disk being missing, but it's not a hard failure. Just a guess, but it seems like the most logical explanation.

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