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Support for the Azure archive tier.

I see a log of info about AWS glacier support but don't see much at all about the Azure archive tier.  Is there any support coming for this tier?

I have noticed that the data for archives seem to be held in a file called "datafile.bin".  Without this file the archive is still mountable.  My theory is that a Powershell script could be run to set the tier to "Archive" of the "datafile.bin" blob and the archive would still mount.  When a restore is need, rehydrate the blob.

The problem is if you are restoring, how do you determine which blobs need rehydrating.  It would be nice to have a powershell script to set all unnecessary blobs to the archive tier,  Then another to set the files back to the hot or cool when a  restore is needed.

  • There is nothing on the immediate roadmap related to supporting Azure archive tier storage. If you'd like to submit a feature request, you can add it here -

    You are correct in that the datafile.bin is where all of the data blocks are stored. The metadata and all info needed to attach an archive is located in the other files. We don't recommend modifying an archive by moving some of it's blobs to a different tier of storage (though that is basically what the software does with glacier). You have identified the issue you would face if you do go the route of moving the datafile to archive tier storage - if you are doing incremental archiving you'd need to restore every datafile.bin file in the entire archive chain in order to do a restore since it wouldn't know what data blocks you would need and that they were on archive storage. If you tried to mount an RP from an archive that had the datafile.bin file on the archive tier it would fail since the file is not readable until restored to cool or hot tier storage.

    All that to say, you could experiment with it and perhaps come up with a workable solution, but you're outside the scope of what RR supports at this time.

  • I submitted this it the ideas form.  It would be nice if quest could just create a powershell script to move chains to and from the archive tier.  Is there any documentation of the archive structure,  so I can attempt to write a script?