Under Review
over 5 years ago

Extend Stat Central Agent Job Mainenace Job Class

Add two new Job Classes to the Job Class drop down in the Job Defintion form.

The first, Lock all unlocked objects - This job would lock all objects on an open CSR that had unlocked objects.  This typically happens when objects are added to a CSR and the Oracle Application Agent is not up or stops responding.  The would help users cleanup unlocked  objects and improve the success of Planned and scheduled migrations.

The second, Archive Set Migration Job - This job would schedule migrations for all archive sets which are marked ready to migrate.  For example, a Stat customer wants to have all archive sets which are ready to migrate to be scheduled on specific days and a specific time.  Once the job schedule was set, Stat would migrate all archive sets which are ready to migrate as long as they satisfied any Status and/or Approval rules.