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Is Rapid Recovery a serious product for Quest?

We are system integrator and we have been using AppAssure since few years back. We really like this product and when AppAssure was bought over by Dell, we continue using it for our clients who are using Dell. However, Dell has lockout anyone who is not using Dell servers from using AppAssure. As such we have been using other enterprise backup system for other clients.

After using other products, we still find AppAssure to be one of the better solution. Since finding our Quest is now the owner of AppAssure (now renamed to Rapid Recovery), we wanted to purchase it and implment on other servers. However, for the past 1 month, we tried contacting Quest through your query form for pricing and no reply until today. We are starting to wonder if Quest is still intersted in selling (and continue developing) Rapid Recovery as a viable enterprise DR software. Or do you have other similar product that will be overtaking Rapid Recovery?

Can someone please contact me so that we can move on if Quest is not interested in selling Rapid Recovery?