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FAO Tudor Popescu - Appassure at a glance report

Hi Tudor,


i was wondering whether it was possible to have the Appassure At A Glance Report modified slightly with what I feel are some improvements

(I can offer a sample of a report script from 5.x - poorly documented, hence why i'm struggling to merge them - it doesn't work on 6.1).

Main items I'd like to add would be

  • Status of the last Transfer / Replication in addition to number of success / fail / cancelled, so you can easily see if it is an issue that needs investigating or whether VSS (for example) is now fine
  • Amount of data transferred
  • A comparison against the expected number of transfers / replications so can easily see whether it has failed or not completed as many as expected
  • summarise the state of the backups in a summary at the top of the report so you know whether it needs to be looked at further
  • Filter the list of agents checked against the label or an agent name filter

We can take this offline if you wish, in fact would probably be better if that is available.


I seem to have lost access to the upcoming reporter, so not sure if that covers some of this.
