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Doc Retriever Errors cannot restore Sharepoint

Doc retriever will not Open a Mounted Recovery Point. I keep getting an error, 

Error occurred during retrieving locations of Sharepoint databases from mounted recovery point, Error message: Database path " does not contain valid file name.

I mount a recovery point using the Core Console and Mount Writable. Open Doc Retriever, File>>Open>>Recovery Point Location

The Wizard Opens, I validate my credentials, my Farm Topology is visible, I enter the Root Path in the next screen, (Which is the "DATA" folder Under the Mounted SQL backup that contains the Mounted Sharepoint Databases). It does not matter how I try to open these I receive the same error message. I have tried using the Local Mount Utility to mount my recovery points, nothing works with this DocRetriever. 

When I try Open>>Recovery Source, I receive another error message, "Cannot find the original destination for item "/path/user/name.doc" 

There is something missing in this configuration. I have gone through and reinstalled both AGent and Console user, checked the permissions several times on both servers, regardless of what I do I receive these errors. Nothing in the logs. There are no errors in the logs except for the two that I have listed here. No SQL Errors, I am beginning to believe Doc Retriever just does not work in this version.