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Trying to install a cert for the Rapid Recovery Agent

Has anyone had any success installing a certificate for the Rapid Recovery Agent?  When I put in the thumbprint and restart the recovery service, it replaces the thumbprint I entered.  I was following kb 117531.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!

  • Quick update, I deleted all the certs it created, replaced the thumbprint again and started the service. It created two keys, one for the server and one for the client but it did not use the cert I generated. I don't understand why its not using the correct cert and am not sure what else to try. Thanks.
  • Still waiting for my lab to come up (it may take a day or two as it was physically moved and there is a lot to do to have it running again). As soon as it available, I will try replacing the cert -- and will document every step so, if it works, we will have a reference document. Please let me know what agent version are you using. As I stated before, I have done this for AppAssure 5.4.3 agents only.
  • agentservice.exe is version Thanks.
  • Hi Tudor.
    I wanted to check in and see if you were able to get a certificate installed in your lab? Thanks.

  • I tried the newest version of the Agent. You are correct, it replaces third party certificate with its own, even when all certificate elements (thumbprint and encoded value) are replaced. Will dig some more and get back to you.
  • Hi Tudor.
    I wanted to see if you were able to figure out why the agent doesn't work with third party certificates? Also, do you think it would be possible to script the cert install? Just thinking it would be the easiest to handle hundreds of servers. Thanks!
