vRanger 7.8.1 did not mark exchange 2013 DB as Backuped


i have an Problem

i installed an new Exchange 2013 and now vRanger did not mark the DB as backuped.

VSS is active

Backup tasks are working normal full and incremental for this server

if there are some other options to activate ?



Parents Reply Children
  • In order to manually set up the VSS files, you can follow these instructions:

    1. On the VM that you want to backup create the following directory Quest\vzShadow in C:\Program Files\

    2. From the following directory in the vRanger machine C:\Program Files\Quest\vRanger\VSS or move the following files msvcp100_x64.dllmsvcr100_x64.dll, and vzshadow_x64.exe to the newly-created directory on the machine that you want to backup C:\Program Files\Quest\vzShadow. Once the files are copied, make sure to rename the vzshadow_x64.exe file to vzshadow.exe, msvcr100_x64.dll to msvcr100.dll, and msvcp100_x64.dll to msvcp100.dll

    3. On the VM that you want to backup create the following directory backupscripts.d in this location: C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\

    4. Create a freeze.bat file in the newly-created directory on the machine you want to backup C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\backupscripts.d

    5. For log truncation to occur please add the following text to the freeze.bat file: 

    echo off
    if "%1" == "freeze" goto doFreeze
    goto EOF
    "c:\Program Files\Dell\vzShadow\vzshadow.exe" X:

    Make sure to add the specific drives by replacing the "X:". For example, if you have two drives (C: & D:)

    echo off

    if "%1" == "freeze" goto doFreeze
    goto EOF
    "c:\Program Files\Dell\vzShadow\vzshadow.exe" C: D: