Failed to login - Internet connection is required to continue

When I select  the Sign In option in the ApexSQl menu in SSMS V18.12.1 I get a dialog with a message:

AspexSQL Complete
Failed to login

Internet connection is required to continue 

Option is to Retry or Cancel

I can confirm the computer's internet connection is working 100%

  • Hello Apex2, 

    The new versions of the ApexSQL Tools needs internet access to validate the license in the Quest Licensing portal. To validate the internet connection the tool will try to ping and it requires web (port 443) to

    If you still have issues after enabling these internet permissions, you can log into , select your license and download an offline license and place it in C:\Users\%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\ApexSQL\Common. With this, the add-in will not ask you to login when you try to use it for the first time. 

    Hope this helps! 

  • Hi

    Thank you for the reply.
    I can ping on port 443

    C:\utils>tcping.exe 443

    Probing - Port is open - time=4.531ms
    Probing - Port is open - time=6.873ms
    Probing - Port is open - time=5.025ms
    Probing - Port is open - time=5.946ms

    I've logged in to as suggested, but I do not see anything I can download, I suspect the problem is I would like to trail ApexSQL so there is currently no license?


  • How about the ping to 

    In the licensing portal, if you select Personal Licenses and then go to View Detail, under Overview you should see a Download offline license link. If this is not showing it is probably because your product does not allow this. 

    One work around would be to activate the product in an unrestricted system and then take the .licence file in  C:\Users\%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\ApexSQL\Common and then paste it in the system that is having the issue. 

    If the issue persists, we suggest you go to and open a Support Case so we can better assist you. 


  • Hi

    Ping does not work, I suspect ICMP is blocked?

    In the license portal there is nothing under the Personal License tab that I can click on to view.

    Thanks again for your help, I though I'm missing something. I'll contact support


  • If ping does not work that means that it is not enabled, and this is causing the issue of the internet connection message. Our tools use this ping to confirm that the system has internet access. 

    Whenever you open the Support case, we can take a look at your license and check if it is valid or corresponds to the version that you are trying to use.