Just wanted to get a solution up onto the forums in case anyone encounters this issue;
- Journal Database content index failed
- Journal Database size on disk FULL
- Attempt to dismount database
- Restart if unable to dismount (after expanding disk)
- Expand disk size
- Stop Microsoft Search and Exchange Search Index services
- Remove content index folder from database mount point/location
- Start both search services again
- Content index will begin recrawl
- Log into Archive Manager
- Go to Data Loaders
- Go into Data Loader related to faulty journal
- Untick 'Active'
- Click Update
- Wait for recrawl of content index to complete
- Activate the Data Loader as above
If the database of the previously problematic journal DB continues to grow (without decreasing) then;
- Dismount database
- Make 'inactive' Data Loader related to journal in QAM
- Mount Database
- Make 'active' Data Loader related to journal in QAM