The profile could not be saved due the following issues: Invalid Mappings found

Hi all,

I am currently evaluating Binary Tree Directory Sync Pro for Active Directory for a major INTRA-ORG migration. I have set all mappings between the attributes to default values. I can also save the profile and validate it successfully. However, when I try to activate the profile, I get the following error: "The profile could not be saved due the following issues: Invalid mappings found". A reset to standard mapping or re-reading the schema etc. has unfortunately not helped. I'm slowly running out of ideas. No errors are logged in the log files.

Help would be really nice.

Best regards

Parents Reply Children
  • I got help regarding this issue from Quest Support.

    I can activate the profile after changing the migration type from Intra-Org to Inter-Org , The Exchange attributes need to be excluded if an INTRA-ORG migration is seleded in advance.  A fix should be implemented by Quest/Binary Tree so that the Exchange attributes are not inserted into the mapping table if an Intra-ORG migration was selected in advance.