Cross-forest migration to where object and mailbox are in different domain trees.

I need to do a cross-forest migration of the AD object to one domain tree and the mailbox to the other domain tree, Not even sure if the product can do so out of hand. Most probably a manual intervention is needed as it will then be a linked mailbox.  To define it better the Ad object and mailbox need to be migrated to different domain trees in the Target. The Source object and mailbox is in the same domain\forest. Any advise will be appreciated.

  • Performing a cross-forest migration where the user objects and mailboxes reside in different domain trees requires careful planning and execution. The primary goal is to ensure a seamless transfer of mailboxes versions, user data, and associated attributes between two distinct Active Directory (AD) forests. This type of migration typically involves the use of specialized tools such as the Microsoft Exchange Server Deployment Assistant or third-party solutions like Quest Migration Manager.