• The 5 Ws of Your Oracle Transactions with No Database Performance Impact


    When a large customer appreciation company needed to categorize their Oracle auditing data by region, SharePlex came to their rescue.  They were already using SharePlex’s Change History feature to track the userid’s, timestamp, before and after data values…

  • SharePlex peer-peer setup

    SharePlex peer-to-peer setup

    Peer-to-Peer replication (P2P) allows users on multiple databases to make changes concurrently to the same data, while SharePlex replication keeps all of the databases synchronized. Peer-to-Peer replication is not appropriate…

  • Want To Synchronize Very Large Tables?

    When very large tables are out of sync on the target and Compare is not a suitable sync option, it requires a set of coordinated steps to bring them in sync with the source tables. This is especially true if the downtime on the source table is not acceptable…

  • Planning on Migrating Your Oracle Database? Learn From my Mistakes!

    I’m sure Oracle DBAs everywhere are keeping their collective ears close to the ground waiting for the official announcement on 12cR2. We still, rightly or wrongly, have a habit of waiting for the 2nd release of Oracle versions, but that’s for another…


                        Return to Sender

    I remember as a young lad of 12 years of age writing letters to friends and family that I had grown up with. As I would finish the letter, I would jump on my bike and run to the local post office to purchase a stamp for the letter. I’m not going…

  • Setting up Pre-built Conflict Resolution in Peer-to-Peer environment


    What is Peer-to-Peer (or active to active) replication?

    Peer-to-Peer replication (P2P) allows users on multiple databases to make changes concurrently to the same data, while SharePlex replication keeps all of the databases synchronized. Peer-to-Peer…

  • Thanks, Grandma - How She Taught Me SharePlex Processes and Queues

    My grandmother was the greatest. She was the iconic example of old world class and style… I never knew she was also a prophet.

    As I was growing up, she would always take me aside and raising a finger crooked from age, she would point to me and…