Many customers ask how they might integrate Foglight Alarms into other 3rd party monitoring tools.  One way to accomplish this is to send SNMP traps in response to a Foglight alarm.


To configure Foglight for this capability, you need to first download the MIB file. ‘MIB’ stands for Management Information Base. The file is a collection of definitions that define the managed object properties.

(Note: Port 162 (SNMP default) also needs to be open between Foglight Management Server (FMS) and the SNMP target host.)


1. Left flyout menu: Under Dashboards, Administration>Cartridges>Components for Download.


2. Download the MIB file. The MIB file should then be imported to your SNMP target.

Name: FoglightTrapActionMIB v2 / Cartridge Name: Send SNMP Trap Action / Component Name: MIB



Though there are a few ways to implement SNMP Traps with Foglight, the following steps are to set-up a trap based on a particular Foglight alarm firing…in this case, the Deadlocks alarm.


1. Left flyout menu: Administration>Rules and Notifications>Rules.



2. Dropdown: All Cartridges / Search field: 'Deadlocks'.



3. Copy (a bit ‘safer’ vs view and edit).




** Note: Once the copied/edited rule is created, it will be listed under the

‘Non-Cartridge’ option…



4. Then, Edit the Copied Rule…and choose 'Rule Editor'.



5. Choose a severity level > Action tab > Action dropdown > Send SNMP Trap Action > Add button (to move to left side).



6. Click on the Default link. Customize/Modify the ‘Target Address’ value. There may be other fields that need to be updated depending on what/how you’re looking to accomplish.



7. Choose the User Defined tab > Change button > Enter new value



8. SAVE it




You should now be ready to leverage Foglight to send SNMP Traps in response to the alarm.


For more information, or to request a trial, visit the product page: Foglight database monitoring











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