All is well. Megan is having a good day. She’s a SQLServer DBA and her environment is humming along. Then…. someone drops a critical table bringing efficient data retrieval to a screeching halt. Now what? It’s a weekday morning and business transactions are being delayed. A database recovery operation will take hours. Does she bite the bullet and perform the recovery or should she wait until the next maintenance window? Her options are limited.
Then, it hits her. She remembers those wonderful folks from Quest who visited her DBA team just weeks ago. She recalls that sharp Sales Engineer who initiated a conversation about the Database Backup and Recovery process. She thinks back to those in the meeting nodding in agreement when discussing some of the native SQLServer Backup and Recovery shortcomings. Yes, she remembers now. Quest demonstrated its SQLServer Backup and Recovery solution called Litespeed. The lightbulb is now shining brightly above her head. That’s it! Object Level Recovery! She knows that in just a few short minutes, she can run Litespeed’s Object Level Recovery utility and restore that table from the backup file. Without hesitation, she opens her program group menu and frantically scans the list….Litespeed, Litespeed. Where is it?!.....
The vivid image in her mind’s eye blurs and fades away as she feels someone aggressively shaking her shoulder. It’s an impatient end user complaining about the month-end report for Management taking too long to generate.
She realizes now that she was daydreaming….daydreaming about Litespeed and its invaluable Object Level Recovery.
It’s 5pm. She hangs up the phone from her call home letting the family know she’ll be late for dinner tonight. She needs to perform the after-hours Database Recovery. But before she does, she opens her email and starts typing… “Dear Quest, at your very earliest, please send me a quote for Litespeed…”
For more information and to download a trial copy to evaluate, click here -> Quest Litespeed
*(Click on image to enlarge)