KACE by Quest UserKon 2021 is Virtual and Free!

Rather than wait another year to hold KACE by Quest UserKon in-person again, we have decided to offer a virtual version of the event this year and attendance is free!

KACE UserKon is the only conference targeted toward users like you, so you can get the most out of your investment in KACE solutions and learn the new best practices in systems management. Attend technical breakout sessions, advanced learning courses, and Q&A sessions led by KACE experts, partners, and peers, and ask your tech questions via chat at our “Ask the Experts” session.

All of this is done so you can add more value to your organization by discovering, managing, and securing administrative privileges, user control, and all of your endpoints.

Why You Should Attend KACE UserKon 2021

  • Virtual hands-on sessions with KACE developers and engineers
  • One-on-one opportunities to ask questions about your specific IT environment
  • Visibility into the KACE product road map, industry trends and what is coming next
  • Networking with industry peers to see how they are using KACE and unified endpoint management (UEM) solutions
  • Product demos that reveal deeper systems and endpoint management functionality
  • Be heard when you provide your input on future product enhancements
  • Watch the sessions anytime as they will be available on-demand for viewing even after the event

We are planning to have KACE UserKon in-person again in 2022 at the Virgin Hotel in Las Vegas. We’ll share more details as time goes on but plan on joining your peers and KACE subject matter experts in-person again in 2022!

In the meantime, sign up today for the virtual and free KACE UserKon 2021!

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