Yes, you need ITAM for your business but before we start let’s define ITAM. Simply put, IT asset management (ITAM) lets you know what technology assets you have, how much you spend on it, and what risks you face with it. This way, you can make better decisions about your technology goals, designs, budget, contracts, and vendors.
Business without an ITAM system in place risk wasting money, compliance audits and regulations, and an inefficient work force. Here are the top three reasons you need ITAM now:
Wasting Money
Without a properly implemented ITAM system your business is at risk for overspending, duplication, and underutilizing assets. Wasting money on unnecessary purchases, licensing fees, support, and maintenance fees. Without and ITAM system your organization will not have a clear line of sight to their IT assets, their utilization or performance.
Compliance and Regulation Risks
Every business vertical has its own set of compliance and regulations with which it must be in compliance. The risks both financial and legal make it imperative for organizations to have an effective ITAM system in place. Without being able to track and audit IT assets, location, configuration and access your business is at sever risk. Risks such as security breaches, data loss, fines, penalties, or lawsuits.
Loss of Productivity
The quality, speed of IT services, stakeholder satisfaction, and employee moral are all directly affected by potential inefficiencies, downtime, or errors. Without an effective ITAM system in place at best productivity is not optimal and at worse negatively impacted. Your business relies on users having the right tools for the job when needed without delays or interruptions.
With the implementation of ITAM, your business can achieve efficiency, save time and money, enhanced governance reliable. Giving you a comprehensive view of your assets and their lifecycle. ITAM will allow your business to make wise choices quickly with precise insights into the costs and risks of your IT Assets.