• Ransomware: O custo de não fazer nada

    Quase metade das invasões residenciais ocorrem sem o uso da força, de acordo com artigo publicado em Protected Home (em inglês). Isto é: alguém deixou uma porta ou uma janela destravada. Ladrões gostam de coisas fáceis e se gostassem de…

  • Ransomware: The Cost of Doing Nothing


    Nearly half of home break-ins occur without use of force, according to this article. Meaning: Somebody left a door or window unlocked. Thieves like it easy. If they liked to work, they’d get a job rather than try to rob you. In fact, cops will tell…

  • How to Become a Data Protection Hero

    You don’t have to be faster than a speeding bullet or more powerful than a locomotive to become a data protection hero. You simply need to address the when, where, why and how of protecting your organization’s applications and data against various threats…