• NEW - Foglight UI Queries - Community Edition

    One of my favourite features to write about in Foglight isn't really a feature at all - it's more like a foundational building block that enables you to do interesting things.

    UI queries are simply a path to the underlying data. They are particularly…

  • Exploring User Level Access for Databases

    I recently worked with a customer on the following use case. They've successfully integrated Active Directory logins with Foglight and wish to match up an AD Group with a group on the Databases dashboard in order to implement User Level Access (ULA).…

  • Getting the "All Clear" from Foglight

    A customer asked how to implement and email that indicates an alarm has been cleared. In Foglight, there are typically several ways to do that. 

    In this post, we'll look at creating a new rule that fires when an alarm event occurs. The event we'll focus…

  • Automating Alarm Blackouts in Foglight

    There are two ways to manage blackouts in Foglight - from the UI and from the command line. The options are generally the same. The command line provides us the ability to automate the blackout by using the command line utility in our maintenance scripts…

  • Can you believe this Administration?!

    What’s that you say? You think it may not be appropriate that a technology blog dive into politics?

    Agreed. Instead, this blog highlights the breadth of Administration capabilities available in Foglight for Postgres.

    Administration options are available…

  • My Foglight License Expired - Now What?

    In some cases, you might need to update or add in a new license key for Foglight. It's really easy to do, but you'll need to be a Foglight administrator.

    Start by navigating to the Administration dashboard, and select Licenses. 

    Next select "Install…