How to show seconds in the "Time detected" column on exported reports.

Any way that File System audit reports show the time with seconds and not only hours and minutes? The only place where I see seconds shown is in each event "Event details" pannel, but the info within is not possible to export.

  • Have you looked at the Layout tab of the Search properties to see if you can add the desired information (field) to your search from among the Unselected Columns on the far left of this dialog?

  • Yes, I have. Any field else is related to the time that the event happened or similar. I also tried to export in different formats (xls, csv and pdf). Any of them would show seconds.

    Thanks a lot for your help!

  • Any field else is related to the time that the event happened or similar.

    I am confused?

    I am understanding your statement above to mean: "Any other field is related to the time the event happened or similar".  This is generally what people are interested in.

    I know you need the seconds in the time stamp information but what time are you looking to report - i.e. the time of what?  Is it some property of the file itself you want?

  • Big apologies. You are completely right, I wanted to mean "NO other field".

    I'm doing File System events audit over files and folders (access, renaming, etc...) in a Windows File Server. 

    If I look into the Overview "event details" panel in the Overview tab, I can see what I'm looking for, even if I print the "Event details" info (but it will show only the event I have selected). But when I do a search and print the results, in the "Tine detected field", the info is not so accurate as in the "Event details" When line.

    Screenshot of Event details panel in Overview tab:

    Screenshot of the search results and the print:

    Thanks in advance.

  • It's interesting because the underlying SQL query that fetches the Search data (I looked at a generic "All Events..." search), retrieves the contents of the TimeDetected field from the database and in SQL management studio, the raw query comes returns the TimeDetected in this form:

    2023-10-20 12:45:29.8018306 +00:00 I don't know why you would be "missing" the seconds.

    You can enable the SQL tab on the Search properties to have a look at this and maybe even use it to pull the raw data for your needs - see this

  • I will try that, thanks, once I renew the trial license.

    In any case, I already looked for an SQL field (about the time detected) to be shown in the reports , but I think to remember that there was not any one in the "Unselected Columns" list...

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