Installation of Coordinator and Client

Hi Experts,

Can we install the Change Auditor Coordinator and Client on the same server in the test environment? Also, Can you specify the system and software configuration requirements as well as user account permissions? In Addition, is there a retention setting for the Events being audited and stored in the Change Auditor database? 

  • Yes, you can install the Change Auditor Coordinator and Client on the same server in the test environment. This is a common setup for small-scale testing purposes. However, for production environments, it is recommended to separate the Coordinator and Client onto different servers to improve performance and scalability.

    Here are the system and software configuration requirements for the Change Auditor Coordinator and Client:

    System requirements:

      • Operating system: Windows Server 2016 or later, or Linux Ubuntu 18.04 or later

      • CPU: Minimum of 2 GHz dual-core processor

      • RAM: Minimum of 4 GB

      • Storage: Minimum of 10 GB of free disk space

    Software requirements:

      • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 8 or later

      • Change Auditor Client

      • Change Auditor Coordinator

    User account permissions:

    The Change Auditor Coordinator and Client require the following user account permissions:

      • Administrator access to the server on which the software is installed

      • Create and manage database users

      • Read and write to the Change Auditor database

    Retention setting for Events:

    Yes, there is a retention setting for the events being audited and stored in the Change Auditor database. The retention setting specifies how long events will be stored in the database before they are purged. The default retention setting is 30 days. You can change koows echat the retention setting to a longer or shorter period of time.

    I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

  • Thank you for your response, it was very helpful. I would like to inquire about the system requirements and permissions needed for the SQL database. Additionally, can you please guide me on how to create and add a new instance for the Change Auditor database using SQL? Lastly, I would like to know about the user account permissions that are required for installing Coordinator and Agent.

  • Select a communication protocol for exchanging messages between the coordinator and client. Common options include HTTP, TCP/IP, UDP,The GP510  or custom protocols depending on your specific requirements.

  • Hi Experts,

    Can we install the Change Auditor Coordinator and Client on the same server in the test environment? Also, Can you specify the system and software configuration requirements as well as user account permissions? In Addition, is there a retention setting for the Events being audited and stored in the Change Auditor database? 


    Yes, you can install the Change Auditor Coordinator and Client on the same server in a test environment. The system and software configuration requirements, as well as user account permissions, will depend on your specific server setup and the version of Change Auditor you are using. For the retention of events audited and stored in the Change Auditor database, there are settings available to manage how long data is kept. It's recommended to check the official documentation or contact support for the most accurate more details for your setup.

    Best regards.

  • Installing the Coordinator and Client involves a structured process to ensure seamless communication and functionality within a distributed system. Begin by setting up the Coordinator, which typically acts as the central node managing tasks, resources, and communications. This often includes installing the necessary software on a dedicated server, configuring network settings, and ensuring it has the required permissions to communicate with Client nodes. Next, proceed to install the Client software on the designated machines. Clients are usually the nodes that execute tasks assigned by the Coordinator. During installation, it’s crucial to configure the Clients to correctly identify and connect to the Coordinator. This may involve specifying the Coordinator’s address and port in the Client’s configuration files. Additionally, ensuring that both Coordinator and Client systems borrow or barrow have compatible software versions and required dependencies is essential for optimal performance and reliability. After installation, perform thorough testing to confirm that the Coordinator can successfully dispatch tasks and receive updates from the Clients, thereby verifying the installation's success and system readiness.