• Export AD Groups

    I am new to Quest Change Auditor. I have two templates, Template1 and Template2. In Template1, I have 100 AD groups protected, and in Template2, I have 300 AD groups protected. I want to export all the AD groups protected by Template1 and Template2 to…

  • Change Auditor | Time Synchronization

    Dear Support Team,

    Would you describe the Time synchronization process between Change Auditor Coordinator, Agents, and domain servers?

    In case there is Light Saving time change happens

  • is it possible to find out who created an alert and when?

    I'd like to find out who created an existing alert and when it was created?

    is there a log or audit feature?

  • Email notification stopped

    Hi  All

    I am new to this product we are using Quest Change Auditor Version 7.1/Build 16043. one of my AD group is protected and one of the user gets email notification when ever any user is added or removed from the group. Suddenly user is not receiving…

  • Change Auditor Application User Interface Roles, Tasks and Operations matrix

    Is there a matrix or list published somewhere that lists the Operations associated with the built-in 'Operator' and 'Web Client Shared Overviews' Tasks?

  • InTune changes not included in Change Auditor for Azure.

    InTune changes not included in Change Auditor for Azure.  How do we get this on the road map?

  • Granularity with GPO object monitoring


    Is it possible to create a search where i can see all the changes for a specific set of GPOs based on name of GPO?

    For example, can I create a wildcard search that in effect says 'let me know any time something changes with all GPOs where name…

  • Search for when AD Computer Objects are moved to Computers OU

    I am looking to create a search that audits when any computer object is moved in or out of the default 'Computers' OU.

    I see there is a 'Computer moved' event class that I might be able to use. However, Im not sure what I would put in the 'Where…

  • How to get the most out of this forum –best practices for what information to include:

    The better a problem is described, the better the assistance tends to be.

    In order to better assist with your issue at hand, please include the following information in your initial post:


    • Product, Version, and relevant environment details.
    • Include a…