Office 2021 LTSC Installation


Does anyone have an top tips for deploying Office 2021 LTSC from a network share using Desktop Authority?

Best Regards


  • Deploying Office 2021 LTSC from a network share using Desktop Authority can be a convenient and efficient way to distribute the software across multiple devices in an organization. Here are some top tips to ensure a successful deployment:

    1. Prepare the Network Share: Set up a dedicated network share with the necessary permissions to allow users or computers to access the Office 2021 LTSC installation files. Ensure that the share is accessible from all target devices.

    2. Create a Deployment Package: Use Desktop Authority to create a deployment package for Office 2021 LTSC. Include all the required installation files, license information, and any custom configurations you want to apply during the installation.

    3. Test the Deployment Package: Before deploying Office 2021 LTSC to all devices, perform a thorough testing phase. Test the deployment package on a few test machines to ensure that the installation works as expected and there are no issues.

    4. Schedule the Deployment: Plan the deployment during a period of low user activity to minimize disruptions. Schedule the deployment at a time when most users are not actively using their computers.

    5. Notify Users: Communicate the upcoming deployment to users in advance. Inform them about the deployment schedule, any expected downtime, and steps to take if they encounter any issues.

    6. Backup User Data: Although the deployment should not affect user data epoxy vegas, it's always a good practice to back up critical user data before the installation, just in case.

    7. Monitor the Deployment: Keep track of the deployment progress using Desktop Authority's reporting and monitoring features. This will allow you to identify and address any deployment-related issues quickly.

    8. Fallback Plan: Have a fallback plan in place in case the deployment encounters unexpected problems. Be prepared to roll back to the previous Office version or have a plan to resolve issues promptly.

    9. Document the Deployment Process: Document the entire deployment process, including the steps followed, configurations applied, and any issues encountered. This documentation will be valuable for future reference and troubleshooting.

    10. Stay Updated: Keep track of any updates or patches released by Microsoft for Office 2021 LTSC. Ensure that the deployment package and configurations remain up-to-date to maintain security and functionality.

    Remember that the specific steps and configurations may vary based on your organization's requirements and the version of Desktop Authority you are using. It's always recommended to refer to the official documentation and support resources of Desktop Authority and Office 2021 LTSC for detailed guidance and best practices.

  • Deploying Office 2021 LTSC from a network share using Desktop Authority can be a convenient and efficient way to distribute the software across multiple devices in an organization. Here are some top tips to ensure a successful deployment:

    1. Prepare the Network Share: Set up a dedicated network share with the necessary permissions to allow users or computers to access the Office 2021 LTSC installation files. Ensure that the share is accessible from all target devices.

    2. Create a Deployment Package: Use Desktop Authority to create a deployment package for Office 2021 LTSC. Include all the required installation files, license information, and any custom configurations you want to apply during the installation.

    3. Test the Deployment Package: Before deploying Office 2021 LTSC to all devices, perform a thorough testing phase. Test the deployment package on a few test machines to ensure that the installation works as expected and there are no issues.

    4. Schedule the Deployment: Plan the deployment during a period of low user activity to minimize disruptions. Schedule the deployment at a time when most users are not actively using their computers.

    5. Notify Users: Communicate the upcoming deployment to users in advance. Inform them about the deployment schedule, any expected downtime, and steps to take if they encounter any issues.

    6. Backup User Data: Although the deployment should not affect user data epoxy vegas, it's always a good practice to back up critical user data before the installation, just in case.

    7. Monitor the Deployment: Keep track of the deployment progress using Desktop Authority's reporting and monitoring features. This will allow you to identify and address any deployment-related issues quickly.

    8. Fallback Plan: Have a fallback plan in place in case the deployment encounters unexpected problems. Be prepared to roll back to the previous Office version or have a plan to resolve issues promptly.

    9. Document the Deployment Process: Document the entire deployment process, including the steps followed, configurations applied, and any issues encountered. This documentation will be valuable for future reference and troubleshooting.

    10. Stay Updated: Keep track of any updates or patches released by Microsoft for Office 2021 LTSC. Ensure that the deployment package and configurations remain up-to-date to maintain security and functionality.

    Remember that the specific steps and configurations may vary based on your organization's requirements and the version of Desktop Authority you are using. It's always recommended to refer to the official documentation and support resources of Desktop Authority and Office 2021 LTSC for detailed guidance and best practices.

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