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Display name of nested user in NTFS report


our customer want to show Display name of nested user that member in group on ntfs report.

how to set this?


  • Hello,

    I wanted to reach out to you about the issues you are having customizing a library report in Enterprise Reporter.  If after using the report features detailed by Adam.Greenaway, you are still experiencing issues with the product please contact Quest support. Private messaging on this forum does not directly reach our support teams.  Quest support can more effectively address your individual concerns and most importantly ensure you are reporting on the required data. 

    Thank you,


  • Hello,

    I wanted to reach out to you about the issues you are having customizing a library report in Enterprise Reporter.  If after using the report features detailed by Adam.Greenaway, you are still experiencing issues with the product please contact Quest support. Private messaging on this forum does not directly reach our support teams.  Quest support can more effectively address your individual concerns and most importantly ensure you are reporting on the required data. 

    Thank you,


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