Windows Updates Report Request


Can you create a report from the following Powershell:

Get-Hotfix | Select PSComputerName, InstalledOn, Description, HotFixID, InstalledBy | Export-Csv -NoType "$Env:userprofile\Desktop\Windows Updates.csv"

This would allow me to select the computers I want to run it on.


Parents Reply
  • The thing is, in order to present the additional piece of data you are looking for, you had to add it to Reporter via Configuration Manager so it would collect it.  This data is collected by Reporter connecting to the WMI interface on your machines.  This can be problematic as this data source is not always accessible (some people disable WMI via GPOs).  So as both I and Angela suggested, you need to take a close look at the discovery results and see if the connection to WMI is failing or not.  If it is, than that would explain why this piece of data is not showing up in your reports.
