Looking for a report and possibly a discovery that will report on SQL Server Level Permissions?

Looking for a report and possibly a discovery that will report on SQL Server Level Permissions.

I looked through the built in reporting essay writer but didn't run anything that seems to fit what I needed. As these SQL Server Permissions are at the SQL Server level and not at the DB level.

I have attached the Microsoft knowledge for the layer of permissions I am looking to be able to report on (such as Alter any)

  • Hi Timothy,

    I'm sorry but your attachment did not come thru. I'm sorry but our form makes it difficult to cut and paste items into it. The reports contained in the SQL Server library for permissions are for the Object, Schema and the Instance only. In addition there is the one specific for an Account  which gives permissions on Objects such as Microsoft.SqlServe.Types and reports permissions such as Alter, Control and grant or not.  Without knowing the specific permissions you are looking for it is difficult to tell you whether we can supply a report. ER may not even collect the permissions for SQL server you are looking for. If you could supply a knowledge base article number it would be helpful.