Filter Report by List of Proxy Addresses



I have a .txt list with thousands of addresses like so:

If I try to filter the report with "includes" and upload the text file, I will be returned with an empty report.

If I use "contains" and enter a single value like this it will work and return the correct user's information.

The problem is that "contains" will only take one value at a time (report will show only that one user), and I need to see all 7000 users...

How can I create a report to do this?


*The "mail" attribute isn't always identical to, so the "includes" filter with the mail attribute won't work either (tried, some users were missing) 

  • I want to make sure your requirement is clear:

    You want to check the list of email addresses that you tried to import against the proxy address lists of 7000 users.

    What exactly do you expect the output to look like?

    (I am really struggling with that part)

    To the best of my knowledge, this is not something readily done with Reporter's out of the box functionality.

    Depending on what you want the output to look like, I can imagine tackling this one of two ways but I will wait until we find out your expectations concerning the output format - i.e. what do you want to see in the rows and columns of your "report".

  • I don't think the output is as relevant as the fact that we need to add multiple addresses as parameters... Say we want to see the account name (domain\user), their OU, and their proxy addresses... the point is we can't filter this way: when we tried to add multiple addresses (imported text file with list, using "includes" in the parameter), we ended up with an empty report, but when we used "contains" (with a single address) we received all the user's information. It's as if "includes" only works if the text (in the filter) is EQUAL to what's in the user's attribute...Whereas "proxy addresses" is a multi value attribute, so it won't be EQUAL to the value that we're searching for

  • That's fair.  The parameters seem to be unable to compare multiple values to a multi-value property.

  • Got to thinking about this - the output is relevant in that:

    The "rules" of Exchange dictate that any given proxy address can only be associated with ONE object within an Exchange Organization.  Therefore, your output needs to tell you what object each address from your "search list" is currently associated with (if any).

    You haven't really explained the real purpose of your reporting exercise so I am coming at this from an Exchange administration point of view.  Your goal may be different.

  • Got to thinking about this - the output is relevant in that:

    The "rules" of Exchange dictate that any given proxy address can only be associated with ONE object within an Exchange Organization.  Therefore, your output needs to tell you what object each address from your "search list" is currently associated with (if any).

    You haven't really explained the real purpose of your reporting exercise so I am coming at this from an Exchange administration point of view.  Your goal may be different.

  • Hi thanks for your response.

    We got the original list of proxy addresses from another software, the point of the report was to find out which users the addresses were associated to and if they have a certain license. We need info like "is disabled", "city", "ou", "samaccountname"...

    How does this change the way we produce the report?