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Custom Query Report - Need Help Including New Information

I have a custom query report that I'm using to show information from lots of different tables for each computer.  Now I need to add registry information, but I can't quite figure out how to do it.  Can someone assist?

Here's what I have today:

-- Declare parameters 
DECLARE @Domain TABLE (DomainName NVARCHAR(max))
DECLARE @Computer TABLE (ComputerName NVARCHAR(max))
DECLARE @ServiceName NVARCHAR(max)
DECLARE @ServiceName2 NVARCHAR(max)
--Handle the wildcards

UPDATE  @Domain
SET DomainName = CASE WHEN DomainName = '*' THEN NULL ELSE DomainName END

UPDATE @Computer
SET ComputerName = CASE WHEN ComputerName = '*' THEN NULL ELSE ComputerName END

IF (@ServiceName IS NULL) OR (@ServiceName = '') OR (@ServiceName = '*')
Set @ServiceName = ''

IF (@ServiceName2 IS NULL) OR (@ServiceName2 = '') OR (@ServiceName2 = '*')
Set @ServiceName2 = ''

------------------------------------------------------- Policies--------------------------------------------------------------------------

SELECT [tblComputer].[DomainName] as [Domain (Computer)], [tblComputer].[ComputerName] as [Computer Name (Computer)],
dbo.udfBitmaskLookup('ComputerPolicy', 'Audit_AccountLogon', 1033, [tblComputerPolicy].[Audit_AccountLogon]) as [Audit - Account Logon (Security Policy)], dbo.udfBitmaskLookup('ComputerPolicy', 'Audit_AccountManagement', 1033, [tblComputerPolicy].[Audit_AccountManagement]) as [Audit - Account Management (Security Policy)], dbo.udfBitmaskLookup('ComputerPolicy', 'Audit_DetailedTracking', 1033, [tblComputerPolicy].[Audit_DetailedTracking]) as [Audit - Detailed Tracking (Security Policy)], dbo.udfBitmaskLookup('ComputerPolicy', 'Audit_DirectoryServicesAccess', 1033, [tblComputerPolicy].[Audit_DirectoryServicesAccess]) as [Audit - Directory Services Access (Security Policy)], dbo.udfBitmaskLookup('ComputerPolicy', 'Audit_Logon', 1033, [tblComputerPolicy].[Audit_Logon]) as [Audit - Logon (Security Policy)], dbo.udfBitmaskLookup('ComputerPolicy', 'Audit_ObjectAccess', 1033, [tblComputerPolicy].[Audit_ObjectAccess]) as [Audit - Object Access (Security Policy)], dbo.udfBitmaskLookup('ComputerPolicy', 'Audit_PolicyChange', 1033, [tblComputerPolicy].[Audit_PolicyChange]) as [Audit - Policy Change (Security Policy)], dbo.udfBitmaskLookup('ComputerPolicy', 'Audit_PrivilegeUse', 1033, [tblComputerPolicy].[Audit_PrivilegeUse]) as [Audit - Privilege Use (Security Policy)], dbo.udfBitmaskLookup('ComputerPolicy', 'Audit_System', 1033, [tblComputerPolicy].[Audit_System]) as [Audit - System (Security Policy)], [tblComputerPolicy].[Lockout_Duration] as [Lockout - Duration (Security Policy)], [tblComputerPolicy].[Lockout_LockoutThreshold] as [Lockout - Lockout Threshold (Security Policy)], [tblComputerPolicy].[Lockout_ResetAccountAfter] as [Lockout - Reset Account After (Security Policy)], [tblComputerPolicy].[Pwd_EnforcePasswordHistory] as [Password - Enforce Password History (Security Policy)], [tblComputerPolicy].[Pwd_ForceLogoff] as [Password - Force Logoff (Security Policy)], [tblComputerPolicy].[Pwd_MaxPasswordAge] as [Password - MaxPassword Age (Security Policy)], [tblComputerPolicy].[Pwd_MinPasswordAge] as [Password - Min Password Age (Security Policy)], [tblComputerPolicy].[Pwd_MinPasswordLen] as [Password - Min Password Length (Security Policy)], [tblComputerPolicy].[Pwd_UseReversibleEncryption] as [Password - Use Reversible Encryption (Security Policy)], [tblComputerPolicy].[Pwd_MustMeetComplexityReq] as [Password - Must Meet Complexity Requirements (Security Policy)], DATEADD(minute, -180, [base].[CollectedTime])as [Last Collected Time (Physical Computer)]
[tblComputerPhysical] base
INNER JOIN [tblComputerPolicy] tblComputerPolicy
ON ([base].[PhysicalComputerID] = [tblComputerPolicy].[PhysicalComputerID] AND ([tblComputerPolicy].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] = 0 OR [tblComputerPolicy].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] IS NULL))
LEFT OUTER JOIN [tblComputer] tblComputer
ON ([base].[ComputerID] = [tblComputer].[ComputerID] AND ([tblComputer].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] = 0 OR [tblComputer].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] IS NULL))
  (SELECT TOP 1 DomainName FROM @Domain) IS NULL
                  [tblComputer].[DomainName] IN (SELECT DomainName FROM @Domain)
  (SELECT TOP 1 ComputerName FROM @Computer) IS NULL
   [tblComputer].[ComputerName]  IN (SELECT ComputerName FROM @Computer)
              (                 base.LDM_TOMBSTONED = 0 OR base.LDM_TOMBSTONED IS NULL              )
ORDER BY [tblComputer].[DomainName] ASC, [tblComputer].[ComputerName] ASC;

------------------------------------------------------- Volumes--------------------------------------------------------------------------
SELECT [tblComputer].[DomainName] as [Domain (Computer)], [tblComputer].[ComputerName] as [Computer Name (Computer)], [tblComputerVolume].[VolumeName] as [Volume Name (Volume)], [tblComputerVolume].[FileSystem] as [File System (Volume)]
[tblComputerPhysical] base
INNER JOIN [tblComputerVolume] tblComputerVolume
ON ([base].[PhysicalComputerID] = [tblComputerVolume].[PhysicalComputerID] AND ([tblComputerVolume].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] = 0 OR [tblComputerVolume].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] IS NULL))
LEFT OUTER JOIN [tblComputer] tblComputer
ON ([base].[ComputerID] = [tblComputer].[ComputerID] AND ([tblComputer].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] = 0 OR [tblComputer].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] IS NULL))
  (SELECT TOP 1 DomainName FROM @Domain) IS NULL
              [tblComputer].[DomainName] IN (SELECT DomainName FROM @Domain)
  (SELECT TOP 1 ComputerName FROM @Computer) IS NULL
   [tblComputer].[ComputerName]  IN (SELECT ComputerName FROM @Computer)
               (              base.LDM_TOMBSTONED = 0 OR base.LDM_TOMBSTONED IS NULL        )
                              tblComputerVolume.FileSystem <> ''
                              tblComputerVolume.FileSystem <> 'CDFS'
ORDER BY [tblComputer].[DomainName] ASC, [tblComputer].[ComputerName] ASC, [tblComputerVolume].[VolumeName] ASC

------------------------------------------------------- Services--------------------------------------------------------------------------
SELECT [tblComputer].[DomainName] as [Domain (Computer)], [tblComputer].[ComputerName] as [Computer Name (Computer)], [tblComputerService].[DisplayName] as [Display Name (Service)], dbo.udfBitmaskLookup('ComputerService', 'CurrentState', 1033, [tblComputerService].[CurrentState]) as [Current State (Service)]
[tblComputerPhysical] base
LEFT OUTER JOIN [tblComputerService] tblComputerService
ON ([base].[PhysicalComputerID] = [tblComputerService].[PhysicalComputerID] AND ([tblComputerService].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] = 0 OR [tblComputerService].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] IS NULL))
LEFT OUTER JOIN [tblComputer] tblComputer
ON ([base].[ComputerID] = [tblComputer].[ComputerID] AND ([tblComputer].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] = 0 OR [tblComputer].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] IS NULL))
  (SELECT TOP 1 DomainName FROM @Domain) IS NULL
                 [tblComputer].[DomainName] IN (SELECT DomainName FROM @Domain)
  (SELECT TOP 1 ComputerName FROM @Computer) IS NULL
   [tblComputer].[ComputerName]  IN (SELECT ComputerName FROM @Computer)
  ([tblComputerService].[ServiceName] LIKE '%'+@ServiceName)
  ([tblComputerService].[ServiceName] LIKE '%'+@ServiceName2+'%')
              (                   base.LDM_TOMBSTONED = 0 OR base.LDM_TOMBSTONED IS NULL    )     
ORDER BY [tblComputer].[DomainName] ASC, [tblComputer].[ComputerName] ASC, [tblComputerService].[DisplayName] ASC;

I'd like to add the information found in the canned "Registry Permissions" report template to my existing report.  The additional registry information will be for one specific key (no sub-keys).  For this example, let's assume it's "KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control".

Can someone help me add a "Registry" section of this report (pretty much duplicate one of the Policies, Services or Volumes section)?

  • Can you please tell which version of Enterprise Reporter you are using ?

  • Hello there

    This query returns the domain, computer, registry keypath and registry keyvalue, please tweak it further to suit your requirements.

    -- Declare parameters
    DECLARE @Domain TABLE (DomainName NVARCHAR(max))
    DECLARE @Computer TABLE (ComputerName NVARCHAR(max))
    DECLARE @Path table (Path nvarchar(max))

    --Handle the wildcards

    UPDATE  @Domain
    SET DomainName = CASE WHEN DomainName = '*' THEN NULL ELSE DomainName END

    UPDATE @Computer
    SET ComputerName = CASE WHEN ComputerName = '*' THEN NULL ELSE ComputerName END

            dbo.tblComputer c                        
            left outer join    dbo.tblRegistryKeyComputer rc
                on c.ComputerID = rc.ComputerID
                    and (rc.LDM_TOMBSTONED is null or rc.LDM_TOMBSTONED = 0)
            left outer join dbo.tblRegistryKey rk
                on rc.RegistryKeyComputerID = rk.RegistryKeyComputerID
                    and (rk.LDM_TOMBSTONED is null or rk.LDM_TOMBSTONED = 0)
            left outer join dbo.tblRegistryPath rp
                on rk.RegistryPathID = rp.RegistryPathID
                    and (rp.LDM_TOMBSTONED is null or rp.LDM_TOMBSTONED = 0)
            left outer join dbo.tblRegistryValue rv
                on rv.RegistryKeyID = rk.RegistryKeyID    
                    and (rv.LDM_TOMBSTONED is null or rv.LDM_TOMBSTONED = 0)
      (SELECT TOP 1 DomainName FROM @Domain) IS NULL
                     c.[DomainName] IN (SELECT DomainName FROM @Domain)
      (SELECT TOP 1 ComputerName FROM @Computer) IS NULL
       c.[ComputerName]  IN (SELECT ComputerName FROM @Computer)
      (SELECT TOP 1 Path FROM @Path) IS NULL
       rp.Path  IN (SELECT Path FROM @Path)
     (c.LDM_TOMBSTONED is null or c.LDM_TOMBSTONED = 0)


  • Aravind,

    Thanks for the response, but it does not include the registry permissions that I originally requested.

    Using your query as a guide, I was able to take the query from the canned report and come up with this:

    -- Declare parameters

    DECLARE @Domain TABLE (DomainName NVARCHAR(max))

    DECLARE @Computer TABLE (ComputerName NVARCHAR(max))

    DECLARE @Path TABLE (Path nvarchar(max))


    --Handle the wildcards

    UPDATE @Domain

    SET DomainName = CASE WHEN DomainName = '*' THEN NULL ELSE DomainName END

    UPDATE @Computer

    SET ComputerName = CASE WHEN ComputerName = '*' THEN NULL ELSE ComputerName END

    ------------------------------------------------------- Registry--------------------------------------------------------------------------


    base.[LDM_TOMBSTONED],[tblComputer].[ComputerName] as [Computer Name (Computer)], [tblRegistryPath].[Path] as [Path (Registry Key)], [tblComputer].[DomainName] as [Domain (Computer)], CASE WHEN LEN([tblAccount_1].[SAMAccountDomain]) = 0 THEN [tblAccount_1].[SAMAccountName] ELSE [tblAccount_1].[SAMAccountDomain] + '\' + [tblAccount_1].[SAMAccountName] END as [Account Name (Account)], [Type (ACE)] =

    CASE [vwRegistryACE].[AceType]

    WHEN 0 THEN N'Allow'

    WHEN 1 THEN N'Deny'

    ELSE ''

    END, dbo.udfBitmaskLookup('RegistryAce', 'AccessMask', 1033, [vwRegistryACE].[AccessMask]) as [Permissions (ACE)], [Applies To (ACE)] =

    CASE [vwRegistryACE].[AppliesTo]

    WHEN 1 THEN N'This key only'

    WHEN 3 THEN N'This key and subkeys'

    WHEN 2 THEN N'Subkeys only'

    ELSE ''

    END, [vwRegistryACE].[IsInherited] as [Is Inherited (ACE)]


    [tblRegistryKeyComputer] base

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [tblRegistryKey] tblRegistryKey

    ON ([base].[RegistryKeyComputerID] = [tblRegistryKey].[RegistryKeyComputerID] AND ([tblRegistryKey].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] = 0 OR [tblRegistryKey].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] IS NULL))

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [tblRegistryPath] tblRegistryPath

    ON ([tblRegistryKey].[RegistryPathID] = [tblRegistryPath].[RegistryPathID] AND ([tblRegistryPath].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] = 0 OR [tblRegistryPath].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] IS NULL))


    ON ([tblRegistryKey].[ACLID] = [tblACL].[ACLID] AND ([tblACL].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] = 0 OR [tblACL].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] IS NULL))

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [tblAccount] tblAccount

    ON ([tblACL].[OwnerAccountID] = [tblAccount].[AccountID] AND ([tblAccount].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] = 0 OR [tblAccount].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] IS NULL))

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [vwRegistryACE] vwRegistryACE

    ON ([tblACL].[ACLID] = [vwRegistryACE].[ACLID] AND ([vwRegistryACE].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] = 0 OR [vwRegistryACE].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] IS NULL))

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [tblAccount] tblAccount_1

    ON ([vwRegistryACE].[AccountID] = [tblAccount_1].[AccountID] AND ([tblAccount_1].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] = 0 OR [tblAccount_1].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] IS NULL))

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [tblComputer] tblComputer

    ON ([base].[ComputerID] = [tblComputer].[ComputerID] AND ([tblComputer].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] = 0 OR [tblComputer].[LDM_TOMBSTONED] IS NULL))



    (SELECT TOP 1 Path FROM @Path) IS NULL



    [tblRegistryPath].[Path] IN (SELECT Path FROM @Path)





    (SELECT TOP 1 DomainName FROM @Domain) IS NULL



    [tblComputer].[DomainName] IN (SELECT DomainName FROM @Domain)





    (SELECT TOP 1 ComputerName FROM @Computer) IS NULL



    [tblComputer].[ComputerName] IN (SELECT ComputerName FROM @Computer)




    (base.LDM_TOMBSTONED is null or base.LDM_TOMBSTONED = 0)

    ORDER BY [tblComputer].[DomainName] ASC, [tblComputer].[ComputerName] ASC, [tblRegistryPath].[Path] ASC;

    The only problem I have is that when I use it in Report Manager and run the report, each server's results include the permissions for all the servers in the list.  So, if I have ServerA and Server B, the results for ServerA show both ServerA and ServerB's ACEs.  Can you take a look at my query and help me figure out why this is happening? 

  • Hello there

    Does the query give you correct results in your SQL editor ? If the query is giving expected results, I can take a look at the report itself. Can you confirm that you are indeed grouping by domain and then computer in the report ?


  • Aaravind,

    After double-checking the results, I found that they are correct, but that I had missed a script in the report design to filter the results to only the 'current' computer. 

    Thanks for the assistance with this.  I'm going to mark this as answered.