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Feature Request: User-Delegated Mailbox Permissions

In Enterprise Reporter Discovery, Exchange Online Mailbox Delegation currently looks at Administrator-delegated access for the entire mailbox, only.  I need to report on mailbox permissions that the User has delegated, e.g. Calendar or Folder delegation.

  • Hello,

    Thank you for this request.  For our next version of Enterprise Reporter we are adding the ability to collect mailbox folders and their permissions.  This will give you the ability to report on mailbox permissions on calendars and folders.   The next version of Enterprise Reporter is version 3.2 and will be available early 2019.  


  • Hello,

    Thank you for this request.  For our next version of Enterprise Reporter we are adding the ability to collect mailbox folders and their permissions.  This will give you the ability to report on mailbox permissions on calendars and folders.   The next version of Enterprise Reporter is version 3.2 and will be available early 2019.  

