ER Errors Reported

Running a computer discovery against a list of servers, i receive a number of errors. There is lack of explanation as to what they may be. There is nothing in the knowledge base that explains the root cause. Here are a list of errors i need to understand then resolve. LOTS of the servers in the list reporting these errors. Not all the same errors for each machine.

I replaced actual server name with <servername>

Error Type: RetrievingComputerProfiles
Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Error Occurence: 1
Object Name:<servername> 
Task Type: Object_Computer
Discovery Task: <servername>

Error Type: RetrievingRAMInMB
Error: Unable to connect using WMI to the path \\<servername>\root\cimv2
Error Occurence: 1
Object Name: <servername> 
Task Type: Object_Computer

Error Type: RetrievingSecurityOptionsAcconts
Error: No such interface supported
Error Occurence: 1
Object Name: <servername>
Task Type: Object_Computer

Error Type: Error_RetrievingComputerInformation
Error: No error message available. Refer to message type and object for further information.
Error Occurence: 1
Object Name: <servername> 
Task Type: Object_Computer
Discovery Task: <servername> 

  • Hello

    Computer Discoveries make many calls to the target computers, Registry, WMI, RPC, etc.  These calls can file for a couple of reasons.

    1) Computer is offline or unreachable

    2) Remote Registry is disabled.

    3) Firewall Ports are blocked.

    4) Discovery account does not have access rights.

    5) Target Machine is not a Windows device, (NetAPP or other NAS, Network Printer, etc)

    6) etc.

    From this list you supplied:

    Retrieving Computer Profiles - This could be the target was a NetApp Device, or Access is denied to read one of the target profiles.

    Retrieving RAM - Usually occurs when the WMI call fails if the Target computer is not available, is not a windows Device or Ports are blocked.

    Retrieving SecurityOptions - This is a Registry call, so usually fails if the target computer is not available, not a Windows Device, ports are blocked or Remote Registry is disabled on the target.

    Error retrieving Computer information - this is a combiniation of registry and WMI calls and again fails if the target computer is not available, not a windows device, ports are blocked, or remote registry id disabled.


  • Thanks Peter, that makes sense. The client was not able to provide a clean list of just Windows servers. I also believe it's a firewall issue for some.

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