Share and NTFS Permissions for Domain Groups Summary

Shows the summary count of files, folders and shares assigned directly to the selected domain groups.

Requires Active Directory, NTFS, Computer Discoveries

  • This is also most perfect.  For the report format would it be possible to change the formating so that there is a single line item per group?  Right now, even if you export to a CSV or XLS format the data is on multiple lines.  To make it easier to parse/sort and analyze if there was a single line item would be helpful.  Such as:

    Domain Name      Computer Name   Group Name:         Total Shares Count for Group Name   Total Folders Count for Group Name    Total Files Group Name

    Domain-A             COMPUTER01       GROUP-ABC                                       3                                                     10                                             20

    Domain-A             COMPUTER01       GROUP-DEF                                       2                                                       5                                             10

    Could subtotal for each computer Total Group Names,  Folders, Files.    With this format it can easily be exported and brought into Excel for analysis (sort, subtotal, etc.)

  • This is also most perfect.  For the report format would it be possible to change the formating so that there is a single line item per group?  Right now, even if you export to a CSV or XLS format the data is on multiple lines.  To make it easier to parse/sort and analyze if there was a single line item would be helpful.  Such as:

    Domain Name      Computer Name   Group Name:         Total Shares Count for Group Name   Total Folders Count for Group Name    Total Files Group Name

    Domain-A             COMPUTER01       GROUP-ABC                                       3                                                     10                                             20

    Domain-A             COMPUTER01       GROUP-DEF                                       2                                                       5                                             10

    Could subtotal for each computer Total Group Names,  Folders, Files.    With this format it can easily be exported and brought into Excel for analysis (sort, subtotal, etc.)

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