Password Expiration Date

Report Title: Password Expiration Date
Report Description: Shows the password expiration date for the selected accounts.
Report Category: Active Directory 

Version:  2.0

Customization Details:  The Password Expiration Date library report has been customized with a new parameter for the password expiry date field.  We have created a new parameter using the operator "In the next" on the password expiry date field.  This allows the reporrt to query for user accounts with password expiry dates in the next X number of days.

How did we do this? Simple.

To do this, you need to modify the existing “Password Expiration Date” report and add a new parameter to it.

  1. Copy the “Password Expiration Date” report into “My Reports” container. The report can be found in (Report Library -> Active Directory -> Passwords)
  2. Click on “Edit” report
  3. Click on “Parameters” tab
  4. Add the following parameter:
    Parameter: Password Expiry Date (Domain User)
    Operator: In the next
    Value: The number of days needed. For example, type “1” to find out domain users with Password Expiration date that will expire in the next one day (24 hours).
    Click OK and Viola!

NOTE: Originally created on: Jan 21, 2014 8:34 PM by Angela Freeman - Last Modified:  Jan 22, 2014 6:08 PM by Angela Freeman 
