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 How to Fix Fastmail duplicate sent messages Issues?

Fastmail is the fast email service which offer the paid account for individuals. Customer can access fastmail service in 36 language across the world wide. But some time user face the problem when send a mail. They see the email appears double in sent mailbox. One of mail is smaller in size. Fastmail automatically create a copy of your sent mail. You need to solve this problem then contact Fastmail Technical Support Number

To resolve this issue you can use one of the below mentioned method:

  • You are required to type  “Mailbox Type” in the Mailbox menu. Now select the “Sent Messages” type instead of Sent Items mailbox is selected. This will allow Fastmail to detect what Mailing service is trying to do.

  • Check the  Fastmail settings to see if  you have selected any option to automatically places a copy in Sent Items after sending a message so you need to disable that setting.

  • If you are using a fast mail server to send your message then Use another SMTP server which is not  provided by Fastmail. You can do so by changing the settings. To change the settings login in your account and access the personalities screen in the option. Where you can change the sent mail settings.

If you are not able to solve your problem then you can contact to support team to get an instant solution. They will solve your problem through, Fastmail Technical Support live support or remote support.