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Is there a way to remove a column from the default dashboard

Is there a way to remove a certain column, or columS, from the default dashboard for when a dashboard user/console user logs in?


For example, I'll have many developers and dev managers logging in and using Foglight.  They really don't need to see the "DB Alarms" column.  All it does for all of them is raise questions.


I still want my other DBA's and those with ADMIN access to see the db alarms.  


I apologize but I'm pretty new to the software and may need some step-by-step instructions on how to do this.  



  • John,
    I don't know a direct way to do this, but there are two work arounds I have used. 

    1) If the list of users is small (<20 or so), then you can multi-select each of them on the User tab of the User Management screen, then click on "User Preferences" button to set the home page in one shot for those users. 


    2) If the list is much bigger AND (which is a big AND), you can create a singe role which contains all of of the groups needed for these people.  Then you can create that role and then use that unique role name in the search field of the User tab of the User Management screen.

    Now click select all, then "User Preferences" and set the home page.  Now, like I said, the single role is key as if you have too many roles, the name doesn't appear and the search will not work.

    I hope this helps.  Or if others have better ideas, that is better yet.


  • John,
    I don't know a direct way to do this, but there are two work arounds I have used. 

    1) If the list of users is small (<20 or so), then you can multi-select each of them on the User tab of the User Management screen, then click on "User Preferences" button to set the home page in one shot for those users. 


    2) If the list is much bigger AND (which is a big AND), you can create a singe role which contains all of of the groups needed for these people.  Then you can create that role and then use that unique role name in the search field of the User tab of the User Management screen.

    Now click select all, then "User Preferences" and set the home page.  Now, like I said, the single role is key as if you have too many roles, the name doesn't appear and the search will not work.

    I hope this helps.  Or if others have better ideas, that is better yet.


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