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FMS upgrade to Duplicate Host

Hi, I am running FMS I noticed that after I upgraded, I am seeing multiple host options. If it is a VM, it would seem as though FVE is recognizing it as a IC "host" and also a VM, when the machine is a VM. The actual VM is the correct machine, but is anyone aware of a known bug that might cause this within 

This particular case, it is an exchange agent, but I only have one exchange agent setup and yet it shows up 3 times as a "host." I' only see one host in the "agent staus" page as well (second screenshot).

Thanks for any assistance

  • Latest version of regular Foglight product ships with Foglight Management Server (FMS) version Upcoming version 8.5.5 of Foglight for Virtualization Ent (FVE) product will include the same Management server version.
  • Latest version of regular Foglight product ships with Foglight Management Server (FMS) version Upcoming version 8.5.5 of Foglight for Virtualization Ent (FVE) product will include the same Management server version.
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