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Removal of old cartridges


What should the policy be for the removal of old cartridges from Foglight?

Given that i install a v5.8.5.7 of the Infrastructure cartridge. When would the best time be to remove the or earlier versions of the cartridge (if you have any installed on the FMS servers).

Should I leave it installed in the background or can I go ahead an uninstall the old cartridge?

Is there anything that could break when I uninstall and older version?


  • Hi Barryla,

    It is safe to delete old cartridges. Once you upgraded to Infrastructure cartridge, dependencies to the old cartridge now point to the new cartridge. E.g dashboards and rules were upgraded to the latest version.
    So go ahead and uninstall the disabled cartridges, nothing will break.

  • Hi Barryla,

    It is safe to delete old cartridges. Once you upgraded to Infrastructure cartridge, dependencies to the old cartridge now point to the new cartridge. E.g dashboards and rules were upgraded to the latest version.
    So go ahead and uninstall the disabled cartridges, nothing will break.

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