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Can rules be created based on database group service?

We want to create database groups based on Tiers of importance.  We would create something like this:

I have concerns about creating rules on services because I have found reference to a document that states not to go more than three levels deep. 

According to the thread "Custom rule causing CPU issues", a search "within ^3" can be expensive in larger environment.

If anyone has access to the thread about the custom rule causing issues, can you send me an updated link?  The link seems to be broken.


What is considers 3 levels in a service?


For instance, I want to create alarms based on the jobs under the "Agent Job List" above?  I am alerting based on job related information?  Would this be too deep?  

  • Drilling down using the scripting tool, these seem to be the levels that I need to traverse (for instance) to retrieve job failure information.

    FSMService C-Tier1 (DBWC_GV_GroupIdentifier)
    definition NDB3006PDV.CSDEVEXT.CORP-PROEMSRL (DBSS_Clusters_Data)...
    instances VSQLNCS0161PDV-TSMON02 (vsqlncs0161pdv,DBSS_Instance)
    agent_job_list _Backup Failure Test (vsqlncs0161pdv,DBSS_Agent_Job_List)...
    job_name _Backup Failure Test

    Do these count as 5 levels so far?
  • Drilling down using the scripting tool, these seem to be the levels that I need to traverse (for instance) to retrieve job failure information.

    FSMService C-Tier1 (DBWC_GV_GroupIdentifier)
    definition NDB3006PDV.CSDEVEXT.CORP-PROEMSRL (DBSS_Clusters_Data)...
    instances VSQLNCS0161PDV-TSMON02 (vsqlncs0161pdv,DBSS_Instance)
    agent_job_list _Backup Failure Test (vsqlncs0161pdv,DBSS_Agent_Job_List)...
    job_name _Backup Failure Test

    Do these count as 5 levels so far?
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