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Remote Foglight Agent Manager

We were in process of using one of the existing FGLAM as a remote Foglight agent manager to monitor 10 VM’s.

 There are some concerns:

 Looking at the Exist FGLAM( which will  become the remote Foglight Agent Manager for the  10 VM’s) I see the fglam in the list with top consumption's see image attached.

  • The customer is concerned  about taking this approach . They are afraid that it will consume much more..
  • According to tech support  the remote Foglight Agent Manager can monitor  about 150 Devices

  What is your opinion

  • Hi Georgios,

    What type of agent will be monitoring the 10 vm''s? The Netmonitor agent or something else? It's hard to tell from the screenshot, but it looks like it is using ~ 400 MB currently.

    You can put a cap on the memory used by the fglam by editing the jvm settings and restarting the service.

    Foglight Agent Manager, JVM Settings **

    Edit the baseline.jvmargs.config file located under the <Agent Manager installation directory>\state\default\config\

    For 1024MB, add the following lines:

    vmparameter.0 = "-Xms1024m";
    vmparameter.1 = "-Xmx1024m";

    I normally don't set mine under 1 GB but the Xmx parameter is the "max" and so that is roughly what it should stop at. You could set the Xms parameter lower (the starting point) and let it grow up to the Xmx value.



  • Hi Georgios,

    What type of agent will be monitoring the 10 vm''s? The Netmonitor agent or something else? It's hard to tell from the screenshot, but it looks like it is using ~ 400 MB currently.

    You can put a cap on the memory used by the fglam by editing the jvm settings and restarting the service.

    Foglight Agent Manager, JVM Settings **

    Edit the baseline.jvmargs.config file located under the <Agent Manager installation directory>\state\default\config\

    For 1024MB, add the following lines:

    vmparameter.0 = "-Xms1024m";
    vmparameter.1 = "-Xmx1024m";

    I normally don't set mine under 1 GB but the Xmx parameter is the "max" and so that is roughly what it should stop at. You could set the Xms parameter lower (the starting point) and let it grow up to the Xmx value.



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