Using Fglcmd to deploy database agents


Does anyone know how to deploy a DB_SQL_server agent using fglcmd?  I also want to deploy OS monitoring and enable SQL PI.  Below is what i have found so far using the command line reference guide

/fglcmd -usr foglight -pwd  -cmd agent:create -name agent_name -type DB_SQL_Server -clientname display_name

  • Hi William,

    There is a CLI (Command Line Installer) that can be used to install SQL Server and Oracle database agents.

    The CSV file can be downloaded from the Foglight Management Server (FMS) as a Zip file, by going to Administration | Cartridges | Components for downloads and downloading the file DB_SQL_Server_Cli_Installer or DB_Oracle_Cli_Installer.

    Details and a video can be found in KB 124120.


  • Hi William,

    There is a CLI (Command Line Installer) that can be used to install SQL Server and Oracle database agents.

    The CSV file can be downloaded from the Foglight Management Server (FMS) as a Zip file, by going to Administration | Cartridges | Components for downloads and downloading the file DB_SQL_Server_Cli_Installer or DB_Oracle_Cli_Installer.

    Details and a video can be found in KB 124120.

