We try to find real SQL_TEXT in PIRepository table pass_syntax_dim

SQL_TEXT in PIRepository table pass_syntax_dim only show encrypted text 'eJy1UdFOwjAUfXZfccNLOzJZfCXBQLZOTFSSMfSBkKasF5...'.  The sql_short_text in pass_syntax_dim does show text but it is too short.

Same thing also exists with batch_text in pass_batch_dim table.

Does any expert know how to get real text information in these columns? 

  • Hello bli,

    why are you querying the PI repository itself? Is there a specific reason for it? It is not recommended to query the PI repository. 

    Do you see the same behaviour on the Foglight UI too? If that is the case, please raise a support service request and we can investigate the issue.

    Kind Regards
