Change FMS to use Windows Authentication


Due to security concerns, I would like to no longer use a SQL login to connect to my MS-SQL database, and instead move to a Service Account for the FMS Service. I use Foglight 5.9.7.

I have already changed in %FGLHOME%\server.config file to use server.database.integratedauth = "true" , and I also changed the the Foglight WIndows Service to use a Service Account instead of Local System Account, however I still see conections on the MS-SQL instance with the SQL login from the server.config file.

I have also looked for %FGLHOME%\server\jboss\conf\sqlsvr-ds.xml file, but I only have it in the state/backup folder, and I have no idea if I should modify it there also.

Anybody know if I should change in another place?

Thank you,