is there a way to clear these messages; "The configured limit of 50000 instances of type PG_Statement has been reached." from the command line. Foglight is starting but the UI is not becoming available.
is there a way to clear these messages; "The configured limit of 50000 instances of type PG_Statement has been reached." from the command line. Foglight is starting but the UI is not becoming available.
Hi Markp,
The message that the configured instances limit for PostgreSQL statements typically isn't related to an issue accessing the Foglight UI. I'd suggest opening a Support case to assist with the issue. It's possible that there might be multiple agents that monitoring the same host (duplicate monitoring) causing performance issues (churn) on the FMS.
Once the FMS becomes accessible, knowledgebase article 4311089 details how to increase topology limits and delete stale objects.
We also recommend reducing the number of top PostgreSQL statements from the default 200 to 50. This is described in Knowledgebase article 4368637.