• quest foglight sql and Windows 2022 support

    We have some SQL instances living on Windows Server 2022, which was released on August 18, 2021
    We are on latest releases; foglight

    I cant get the OS host to work with this so only get SQL information, no OS and hence also no vmware information…

  • User Defined Collection Not Showing Up

    Attempting to add a UDC on different SQL servers spanning different versions and the query itself will verify correctly, I have set the key and all the types but it still will not appear in the UDC Overview screen.

    The closest error I can find is:


  • Foglight for sql server ports

    Hello all,

    I want to monitor with Foglight SQL Server with PI.

    Which port i should open from the FGLAM server to my SQL Server?
    I want to monitor the SQL Server and also the OS (Windows server 2012)

    Can you please advise?


    Many thanks! 

  • DBSS - Long Running Job exception duration for single job

    Hello All,

    This alarm "DBSS - Long Running Job"  have a global fire threshold for all the jobs.

    I can see that there is an exception in order to exclude specific jobs.

    Does there is a way to make an exception for a single job duration that will…

  • SQL Grant permission script error

    Dear All, 


     We have recently upgraded the  Database cartridge to  We are trying to configure a SQL 2012 DB, when we try to manually execute the Grant permission script  we are receiving the below error.

    msg 207, Level 16, state 1 line 27


  • Customized Workloads Dashboard for Foglight SQL Server PI

    Hello All,

    Attached a quick guide (in .pptx) of how to build quickly customized dashboard that preview all the workloads of your Instances in one dashboard.

    In this Dashboard:

    You can see the Baseline and the Breakdown of all your Instances

    You can see the…

  • Foglight for SQL Server with PI What ports should be open?

    Hello All,

    I am preparing new environment for Foglight for SQL Server with PI:

    1 VM for the FMS

    1 VM for FGLAM + PI repository

    1 VM for the Foglight Repository (SQL Server)


    I didn't find any documnt that explain what port should i open from each vm to…

  • Foglight for Databases - Top 5 Knowledge base articles for the week - Sept 5, 2016

  • Foglight for SQL Server - Latest Product Release - Cartridge version

    What’s New:   

    Foglight for SQL Server cartridge version

    • Added graphical workload distribution of Top 10 dimension values.
    • Added support for SQL Server® 2016.
    • Added the "Query Hash" and "SQL Handle" columns to the Performance Investigator…