• How to apply action to all rules

    I'm integrating with a third-party monitor and wrote a script to forward alarms to my monitor. Now I want all rules to call it. I checked but the REST API doesn't appear able to update rules. I also don't see how any options to use Groovy to add actions…

  • How make virtual standby VM autostart when source VM is shutdowns or crashed?

    Hi Team,

    This is my first post in our quest community. I believe you may understand my query in the subject.

    i have hyper-v standalone server where some VM's are running and i did virtual standby using rapid recovery for one VM

    And i want failover…

  • How to configure corrective action against alarm


    I am looking to configure corrective action against alarm in Foglight. We use Foglight for SQL Server monitoring. I usually get lot Log File Utilization alerts from Foglight. I am thinking off to fire SQL script by Foglight to shrink the log file…