• Run a Powershell script with Foglight


    I tried to to add Powershell script to the Foglight.
    I tried to just put the powershell in the foglight (with the Script Agent Builder), and i get an error. I saw that I need to create bat file that will point to the powershell and to zip them together…

  • Add Powershell script to Foglight


    I tried to to add Powershell script to the Foglight.
    I tried to just put the powershell in the foglight (with the Script Agent Builder), and i get an error. I saw that I need to create bat file that will point to the powershell and to zip them together…

  • Add Powershell script to Foglight


    I tried to to add Powershell script to the Foglight.
    I tried to just put the powershell in the foglight (with the Script Agent Builder), and i get an error. I saw that I need to create bat file that will point to the powershell and to zip them together…

  • Reading a XML File with a powershell script agent

    I had a customer who wanted to read boottime information from a XML file generated by xperf into Foglight after every reboot. There might be a couple of solutions for this. Here is an example how to do things like that with a script agent using powershell…